Horse racing is popular since a long time.
To be precise, it belongs to the oldest sport in the humanity and mainly serves the purpose of breeding selection. But there is one thing which it became too: a popular leisure activity. There are certainly several reasons for this sport to be regarded: the sound of hooves on the ground, the adrenaline, when one has made a bet and not least to get under people. The importance of gambling is immeasurable for horse racing. Virtually, the entire cost of events and prizes for the participants of the race can be compensated by the bets. Horse racing is an open sport -anyone can go to bet, anyone can join. Probably it’s for this reason that a lot of people like this sport-. Now there are different types of bets. In this way it’s also easy for the newcomers whether to join a bet or not. On the one hand, there are bets that include a race. There you can bet on your favourite one if this will make the first place. If this is too uncertain, select the variant that the favourite is among the top two or top three. There are also more complex bets, if you type in the correct order on the first (up to) four places. Another possibility is the gambling venture, to be considered for two or more races. There, you can win if you chose two horses that are winners in two consecutive races – this game can be made up until six horses-. To make a bet, you go to the ticket window at the grandstand. There you give the number of the race, the bet, the bet type and number of the selected horse. If you win, you can pick up the money directly at one of these windows or up to 10 days later – at least that offers the Hipodrómo Argentino. There (Avenida del Libertador 4100), someone can have good luck on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. At this there are races taking place.
That gambling and horse races are going together also shows the song “Liebesspieler” of the German (punk)rock band “Die Toten Hosen”. They are singing about the bad luck that someone could have in such a bet. Liebesspieler, the favorite of the race hasn’t won unfortunately. Therefore it isn’t surprising that a big part of the underground of the Hippodrome is a huge casino. This is probably a paradise for any fan of gambling.
The Hippodrome was built in 1876. The magnificent buildings on the edge are of the «belle époque». For the horse race Buenos Aires there are three sand paths. Two of them are for exercises and the main line for racing has a length of 2400 meters and a width of 28 meters. It is regarded as one of the best worldwide.

If you want to take some air and where going to the races, you can drive to San Isidro or La Plata. San Isidro is the only track with grass. This is 2783 meters long. The remaining four tracks are sand tracks. In total, the area has 148 hectare. The Hippodrome of La Plata was built a few years after Buenos Aires. These three are the most important horse racing tracks in Argentina, but in almost all provinces there is a possibility to go to a race.
With great interest in equestrian sport you can join a owner community. These serve a maintenance for one or more race horses. For a single person it is very expensive to maintain such a horse.